West El SpooktaCular 2023
It’s back!!!!!! THE WEST ELEMENTARY HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR 2023 is on Sunday, October 29. It will be outdoors this year on the playground. Come in costume to dance to the DJ, win treats at the pumpkin pass, and Trick or Treat from the cauldrons at our ghoulish Halloween tables.
This is the event of the season for our West El students put on by the PTO and parent volunteers. Petrify, dazzle, and impress our Costume Contest judges. We will have one winner by grade. So get ready for treats, dancing and a frightening afternoon of fun!
*this event will be held rain or shine
When: Sunday October 29, 2023 from 2:00-4:00pm
Where: West Elementary Playground (we will move indoors if the weather is uncooperative
Tickets: $10/per person, (Max $40/family)
We need YOUR help to make this event FUN and have MANY opportunities for you to volunteer and donate goods!
Questions? Email Amy Hafensteiner at amyh1122@gmail.com
Online ticket sales are no longer available.