

Welcome to the 2024-2025 West Elementary school year!  We are glad you are here! The goal of the West Elementary PTO is to support our school in multiple ways. We work hard throughout the year to offer enrichment for our students, as well as fun activities for the whole family throughout the year. The PTO has a major fundraiser called Boosterthon, which supports these activities as well as the annual West Elementary Readers & Writers Conference (WERAWC). 

This year we will be in a brand new school, with a brand new principal, Dr. Mary Ellen Carideo-Cobbs.  Our number one goal is to help keep the spirit of the incredible West Elementary community thriving and we need YOU to make this happen! There are some big and small ways to donate your talents and time. We are also always open to direct donations, especially if you have a company match! Please do not be shy to reach out, but first be sure you join our e-Newsletter list going out the first and third Friday of the month. Follow us on social! 

Learn about all things PTO, West and beyond on Facebook page here or on Instagram @westel_pto. 

Click the link below to receive our PTO Newsletters! 

2024-2025 Calendar


20th - Kindergarten Popsicle Party 

27th - Welcome Back Breakfast for Teachers

28th - First Day of School for grades 1-12


3rd - First day of school for Kindergarten

TBD - Scholastic Book Fair


27th - Halloween Spooktacular

TBD - West El Spirit Wear Sale


TBD - Teacher Conferences Luncheon

TBD - West El Night at the Celtics


TBD - Boosterthon Fun Run

13th - Sweetheart Dance 


TBD - WERAWC (West El Readers And Writers Conference)


TBD - Heritage Night


5th - Teacher Appreciation Week

TBD - Mini-Golf


8th - Ice Cream Social

**Dates are subject to change. Please pay attention to communication throughout the school year**